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Canone Inverso, in partnership with AGON, is presenting METALLICUM, a project in two phases: a workshop for composers and, after it, a composition prize to premiere new pieces for flute and electric guitar. The winning pieces will be recorded and included in a CD that will be released by the Stradivarius Label in a forthcoming CD.
The project is open to participants from any nation, without age limits and without any discrimination. Its target is the music for a flute and electric guitar duo, with or without tape and/or live electronics. The composition cannot include further instrumentalists or just a single instrument out of the duo.
The project is divided in two phases:
- A workshop for the composers with the performers (Laura Faoro, flutes, and Silvia Cignoli, electric guitars) that will take place on December 11th, 2022, at AGON (Viale Sarca 336, building 15, Milano, Italy) from 2PM to 630PM
- A competition to introduce a piece for the ensemble defined above. The piece must be delivered before April 30th, 2022, following the procedure specified below. The compositions must be unpublished, never performed before and never awarded in other competitions; otherwise, they will be excluded
We highlight that the workshop is recommended for the competition, in order to provide to the candidates all the necessary information about the characteristics (musical, instrumental, technical) of the instrumentation available to the duo. Therefore, the presence at the workshop is not mandatory to take part in the competion, but it is warmly recommended, whenever possible, to acquire a detailed knowledge about the METALLICUM project.
The fee to take part in the project is Euro 50,-. The application must be sent (together with a proof of payment) before December 1st, 2022. The fee can be paid with a bank transfer or with credit card (the link is available on www.canoneinverso.org in the dedicated page). Not attending the workshop or the competition won’t entitle to any money return.
A jury (composed by Laura Faoro, Silvia Cignoli and several professionals from musicology, music critic and artistic directions) will evaluate the compositions and will select up to three ones. The names of the jury members will be published on the Canone Inverso website. No appeal is allowed.
The winning composition will be included in a CD released by Stradivarius; five complimentary copies will be delivered to each composer whose pieces will be included in the CD, plus the possibility to buy more copies directly from the recording house.
The organization can decide to promote the winning compositions (and even other ones) to national and international publishers.
The result of the competition will be communicated to all the composers, by sending to everyone who makes request of it the proper section of the jury documentation. The winning composers will be informed about when and where the rehearsals and the recording sessions will take place, plus all the CD delivery schedule.
The composition must be sent through a specific section of the website www.canoneinverso.org where it will be possible to upload the score (and further files, like audio files, MAX patches, setup description, etc) in a anonymous form. The score and the additional files must be granted with a specific motto; they don’t have to contain any reference to the composer’s name, or any other clue that may lead to the composer’s identity in a unique way. In the same form, the candidate will add another secret word (second key). When the jury will publish the mottos of the winning compositions, who will recognize the motto will send the secret word in order to prove the identity of the author.
Taking part to the competition means accept all the rules here described, plus authorizing CANONE INVERSO to use, to the sole purposes of the present project, the personal data of the composers.
The project will take place only if at least four persons will subscribe. In case the project won’t be activated, the money will be returned.
The only reliable reference for information is the email address info@canoneinverso.org
Please note that, in case of legal controversies, the only reference text is the italian version of the regulation available here.
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